Lewis Anderson

  Wednesday, 24th May 2023

  14:15 - 15:15

   Butler Room - Nuffield College

   Does Health Affect Subjective Social Status?


This talk will present potential designs for identifying a causal effect of health on subjective social status (SSS) – that is, where respondents place themselves on a vertical 1-10 scale representing the social hierarchy. Recent research in social epidemiology finds that SSS is associated with a wide range of health outcomes across a variety of contexts, independent of objective indicators of socio-economic position. Low SSS might then harm health, meaning that inequality in social status exacerbates health inequality. However, since this research is mostly cross-sectional, one question that naturally arises is the possibility of reverse causality: does an individual’s health affect how they rate their SSS? Our potential approaches to answering this question involve manipulating either the salience of respondents’ health, or their perception of their health.