31/01/2019 - 02/02/2019
While laboratory experiments have a long tradition in psychology, only relatively recently they have appeared in other areas of the social sciences, where their diffusion underwent a very fast growth. The main reason of their success is that social experiments are particularly suitable for the analysis of causal relations and the study of micro mechanisms. The experimental methodology toolkit has become increasingly richer. Next to the more traditional lab- and field experiments, the toolkit now includes online experiments, often conducted on random samples of the general population, as well as the so-called lab-in-the-field experiments. These recent developments greatly improved the external validity of experimental findings, thereby enlarging the scientific scope of experimental research.
The present session aims at collecting studies applying experimental methods – lab, field, online, and lab-in-the-field – that focus on the micromechanisms underlying the emergence of social and economic phenomena. The session objective is to advance the discussion on the role of experimental methods and offer an occasion for the planning of possible future meetings and collaborations.
In particular, are welcome empirical contributions focusing on mechanisms or phenomena related to:
Presentations in English are welcome.
Visit SISEC Congress website for more information.