This course aims to introduce students and researchers in the social sciences to oTree, a leading framework based on Python to develop and administer experiments in the social sciences.
The course is best suited for absolute or semi-beginners, as it does not assume any prior knowledge of programming either in Python or in any front-end language such as JavaScript, HTML, CSS.
The course does assume a basic understanding of experimental methodology in the social sciences.
Participants will be provided with the necessary knowledge to program experiments of simple complexity in oTree and to administer them over the internet. Participants will also be given the opportunity to discuss specific programming issues encountered during the development of their own projects with the course’s instructor.
Two optional 3h primer sessions on Python and front-end languages (HTML, CSS and JavaScript) will precede the actual course targeting participants with absolutely no previous programming experience.
The course is open to a maximum of 80 participants.
Tommaso Batistoni
CESS Postdoctoral Researcher and Lead Programmer
27th June 2022
The course has an intense format and is organised as follows: 21h of live teaching (27h including the primer sessions), split in 8 (9) bi-weekly sessions of 3h each; one office hour per week in groups of max 5 participants; small programming assignments in-between live classes.
The course will be taught using the Zoom app.
All classes will be recorded and made available to the participants.
The course will run between the 30th of June and the 28th of July 2022.
The primer sessions will run on Thursday, 30th of June and Monday, 4th of July.
Class times: Mondays and Thursdays, 15:00 – 18:00 (UTC+1).
The course will focus on oTree’s latest version and will cover all the fundamental components of developing an experimental study in oTree.
The content will be covered following a project-oriented approach, where each topic will be used to develop a predefined experimental design that will be shared at the beginning of the course.
During the course, participants will make a balance use of both oTree Studio (the dedicated web platform to develop oTree experiments using a point-and-click interface) and a text editor to develop the course project.
The course content will include (but will not be limited to) the following topics:
(The course content might be subject to small variations).
Oxford affiliated: £180 (£230 with primer classes)
Others: £220 (£280 with primer classes)
If you need to cancel your course participation, please notify us as soon as possible at Note that cancellations notified after 15th June 2022, as well as failure to attend, will not be entitled to any form of refund. Prior to 15th June all cancellations will incur £50 administration fee and the difference will be refunded to you in the form of your original payment.
If you need to cancel your course participation, please notify us as soon as possible at Note that cancellations notified after 15th June 2022, as well as failure to attend, will not be entitled to any form of refund. Prior to 15th June all cancellations will incur £50 administration fee and the difference will be refunded to you in the form of your original payment.
For queries related to the event, please contact Melanie Sawers at