Thursday, 5th December 2019
09:00 - 18:00
This workshop assembles a very diverse and inter-disciplinary group of scholars using social media as an integral part of their research. Each of the workshop participants will be presenting work or work-in-progress/designs that build on the theme of social media and experimentation. The goal is to highlight very innovative experimental approaches that incorporate social media into the design of experimental interventions but also into measuring behavioural outcomes.
Those interested in participating in the workshop should send an email to Melanie Sawers –
Topic | Participant | Affiliation |
Online Political Information: Facebook and Saturation and Electoral Accountability in Mexico | Horacio Larreguy | Harvard |
I bet you won’t stay off Facebook! Reducing social media usage via challenges | Severine Toussaert | Oxford |
Audits, Social Media Information and Accountability: Chile RCT | Felipe Torres | Kings College |
Geographical Clustering for Delivering Facebook Ad Treatments | Thomas Robinson | Oxford |
Deep Fake Videos: A User's Guide | Areeq Chowdhury | Future Advocacy |
Andrew Lewis | Oxford | |
ANES Social Media Initiatives | Shanto Iyengar | Stanford |
Why I was not worried about Cambridge Analytica (and you should not have been either) | David Nickerson | Temple |
Social media as campaign tools: Are Facebook advertisement campaigns effective at attracting campaign donations and volunteer sign-ups? | Florian Foos | LSE |
Politics in the Facebook Era. Evidence from the 2016 US Presidential Elections | Michela Redoano | Warwick |
Federica Liberini | Bath University | |
Antonio Russo | Loughborough University | |
Measuring Public Opinion via Digital Footprints | Roberto Cerina | Oxford |
Ray Duch | Oxford |