Ximeng Fang & Stefania Innocenti

University of Oxford

  Wednesday, 7th June 2023

  14:15 - 15:15

   Butler Room - Nuffield College

   Climate VR at Home: a Field Experiment Using SONY PlayStation's Climate Station Virtual Reality Experience

Ben Grodeck

University of Exeter & Max Planck Institute

  Wednesday, 31st May 2023

  14:15 - 15:15

   Butler Room - Nuffield College

   Banking on the Future: Promoting and Sustaining Cooperation in Public Goods Games

Lewis Anderson

University of Oxford

  Wednesday, 24th May 2023

  14:15 - 15:15

   Butler Room - Nuffield College

   Does Health Affect Subjective Social Status?

Seung Hoon Chae

University of Oxford

  Wednesday, 17th May 2023

  14:15 - 15:15

   Butler Room - Nuffield College

   Do Offensive Wars Make States?

Russell Elsdon

Loughborough University

  Wednesday, 3rd May 2023

  14:15 - 15:15

   Butler Room - Nuffield College

   Can Information Display Improve Tax Compliance?

Alessandro Guasti & Ishrat Gadhok

University of Oxford

  Wednesday, 26th April 2023

  14:15 - 15:15

   Butler Room - Nuffield College

   Supply Chain Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as Strategic Human Capital Management? A Field Experiment to Improve the Health and Work Outcomes of Women in Indian Apparel Sector Factories

Sandra Morgenstern

University of Mannheim

  Wednesday, 8th March 2023

  14:30 - 15:30

   Clay Room - Nuffield College

   How Contact Counteracts Societal Polarization

Alexander Yeandle

London School of Economics

  Wednesday, 1st March 2023

  14:30 - 15:30

   Butler Room - Nuffield College

   Mobile Technology, Urban-Rural Contact, and the Diffusion of Political Beliefs

Ximeng Fang

University of Oxford

  Wednesday, 22nd February 2023

  14:30 - 15:30

   Butler Room - Nuffield College

   The Playful Way to Pro-Environmental Behaviour: A Field Experiment on Edutainment Through Video Games