Florian Foos – London School of Economics

  Tuesday, 17th May 2022

  17:00 - 18:00

   Large Lecture Room - Nuffield College

Title: "Making the Case for Democracy"

Alberto Simpser – ITAM Mexico & TSE/IAST

  Tuesday, 10th May 2022

  17:00 - 18:00

   Large Lecture Room - Nuffield College

Title: "Inter-Group Contact and Tolerant Behavior: An Experimental Study of Social Status"

Raymond Duch – University of Oxford

  Tuesday, 3rd May 2022

  17:00 - 18:00

   Large Lecture Room - Nuffield College

Title: "Ghana Financial Incentives Vaccine Study: Building an Evidence Base to Support the COVID-19 Vaccine Roll Out"

Social Media Workshop

  Thursday, 5th December 2019

  09:00 - 18:00

Each of the workshop participants will be presenting work or work-in-progress/designs that build on the theme of social media and experimentation.

oTree Workshop

  Wednesday, 9th October 2019

  09:00 - 18:00

oTree is a framework to run experiments both online and in the lab. The workshop is aimed at participants with no prior knowledge of oTree. After the workshop participants will be able to create single and multi-player experiments.

5th Sheffield Workshop in Political Economy

  Friday, 25th January 2019

  09:00 - 17:00

Professor Raymond Duch is the keynote speaker at the 5th Sheffield Workshop in Political Economy.

Tackling Inequality: Experimental Advances on Taxation and Redistribution

  Friday, 7th December 2018

  09:00 - 19:00

The Centre for Experimental Social Sciences (CESS) hosts a workshop on questions of inequality and redistribution at Nuffield College.

Measuring the Tricky Things Workshop

  12/10/2018 - 13/10/2018

The Centre for Experimental Social Science (CESS) at Nuffield College, Oxford and the Behavioral Science Unit (eMBeD) at the World Bank will host a workshop on Measuring the Tricky Things at Nuffield College on 12-13th October 2018.

5th Annual PhD Workshop at University of East Anglia

  Wednesday, 16th May 2018

  08:30 - 19:00

The workshop is a joint initiative of the Behavioural and Experimental Development Economics Research Group (BEDERG), the Centre for Behavioural and Experimental Social Sciences (CBESS), both at the University of East Anglia (UEA), and The Choice Lab at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH).