Amma Panin

University of Oxford

  Tuesday, 5th June 2018

  12:30 - 13:30

   CESS Seminar Rooms - 3 George Street Mews

   Corruption and Self-selection in the Ghanaian Tax System

Florian Foos

King’s College London

  Tuesday, 22nd May 2018

  12:30 - 13:30

   CESS Seminar Rooms - 3 George Street Mews

   The Parliamentary Candidate as Persuader: Evidence from Randomized Candidate-Voter Interactions

Irene Menendez

Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse (IAST)

  Tuesday, 15th May 2018

  12:30 - 13:30

   CESS Seminar Rooms - 3 George Street Mews

   Explaining Support for Non-contributory Social Policy: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Argentina

Ester Cross

University of Oxford

  Tuesday, 1st May 2018

  12:30 - 13:30

   CESS Seminar Rooms - 3 George Street Mews

   The Limited Effects of Contact on Sectarian Prejudice

N.C. (Nils) Köbis

University of Amsterdam

  Monday, 23rd April 2018

  12:30 - 13:30

   CESS Seminar Rooms - 3 George Street Mews

   A Market for Honesty

Ross James Gildea

University of Oxford

  Tuesday, 6th March 2018

  12:30 - 13:30

   CESS Seminar Rooms - 3 George Street Mews

   The Political Psychology of Issue Selection in Transnational Advocacy Networks

Lala Muradova Huseynova

KU Leuven

  Tuesday, 27th February 2018

  14:00 - 15:00

   CESS Seminar Rooms - 3 George Street Mews

   Public Opinion, Autocratic Characteristics, and Democracy Promotion: A Conjoint Analysis

David Ronayne

University of Oxford

  Tuesday, 20th February 2018

  14:00 - 15:00

   CESS Seminar Rooms - 3 George Street Mews

   When Good Advice is Ignored: The Role of Envy and Stubbornness

Hannah Simpson

Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse (IAST)

  Wednesday, 14th February 2018

  13:30 - 14:30

   CESS Seminar Rooms - 3 George Street Mews

   Justice for Sale: Political Exigency and the Rule of Law